sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Taliban Warns Kabul Administration    :      Information Clearing House: ICH

Taliban Warns Kabul Administration : Information Clearing House: ICH

Um comentário:

  1. Those Afghans who cooperate with the invading forces in Afghanistan in contravention of their religion, country and indigenous values, should take a lesson from the incident that happened the other day. They should reconsider their demeanor and actions and should know these people (Afghans) are religious and patriotic. No one of them is ready to tolerate cooperation with and presence of the foreign infidel invaders on this soil. If these subservients maintain to protect themselves from open offensives of Mujahideen by dent of barbed wires, cemented walls, sand sacks and foreign forces, they will never protect themselves from the said revenge of the believing people. Sooner or later, each of them will meet the fate.



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