sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

"Why Libya? Why Qaddafi?"    :      Information Clearing House: ICH

"Why Libya? Why Qaddafi?" : Information Clearing House: ICH

Um comentário:

  1. The answers to these questions lie embedded in the US drive for its "Second Century" of imperialist world domination, involving plans for the complete conquest of the Arabs and Africa. Other countries where extensive violence, human rights violations of longstanding and conquest and occupation by outside forces has been the rule are ignored or plunged into deeper misery by the designs and actions of the US and its partners. Palestine, Kashmir, Sri Lanka and Turkey immediately come to mind as areas which have found native inhabitants decimated and in which people have been butchered for decades in their own homelands. Many other repressive regimes throughout the world are doing very bad things to their "own" people. Why the furious furor over the Qaddafi leadership and its alleged repression of some "rebellious" elements among the Libyan population?



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